Choicemmed Lung Boost Respiratory Trainer

Choicemmed Lung Boost Respiratory Trainer
Item# lung-boost
Regular price: $89.99
Sale price: $55.95
Availability: Usually ships the same business day
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Inhale and exhale more with every breath.

  • Strengthen respiratory muscles to help you breathe easier, feel better, and improve athletic performance
  • This device uses dual purpose training - Low Intensity Endurance Aerobic Training and High Intensity Anaerobic Interval Training, while strengthening your inspiration (inhalation) and expiration (exhalation) muscles
  • Ready to use with 6 resistance levels. Each resistance level can be adjusted to 5 positions. Train at your most comfortable level with 30 possible settings
  • Real time display: Monitor your breathing patterns at the prescribed level of training intensity. Combine your targeted and resistance training
  • Internal memory: Review the history of your past exercises. Keep track of your progress and make personal goals


  • 1 Lung Boost
  • 2 AA batteries
  • 1 breathing tube
  • 5 resistance cones
  • 1 quick start manual

Lung boost

Lung boost

Lung boost

Lung boost

Lung boost